Why You Should Be Putting Copper on Your Skin - Poosh
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Why You Should Be Putting Copper on Your Skin - Poosh

Oct 16, 2024

All that glitters (and glows and radiates) is actually copper, y’all. That’s because copper isn’t just a shiny, rosy alloy, but it’s also a compound that offers major skincare benefits when applied topically.

If you’re thinking “um, what?,” we’ll help break it down for you.

Of course, we aren’t rubbing metal on our faces—not sure that would work (although we haven’t much looked into that method). Copper as a skincare ingredient, aka a liquid or viscous component, comes in several forms:

Many beauty brands, including those that are relatively “clean” by today’s standards, tout copper as a hero ingredient. For example, in this superfine mist from BeautyGrass, copper plays a key role in stabilizing skin proteins and providing biocidal properties (meaning it kills harmful microorganisms).

Other skin benefits of copper include increased collagen production for fewer wrinkles and plumper skin, boosted production of elastin, improved wound healing, and reduced hyperpigmentation.

We’ll call that a hero.

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